A Productive Rant About Dog Bed


Picking a good dog bed for your pet is as important for a dog as choosing your own bed is to you, in fact in ways it is even more so. Dogs spend a lot more time sleeping or just lying down than people do, so given that your dog will spend a great deal of time on the bed you pick, it is quite important that you pick a good one. When choosing your dog's bed, you need to consider these questions:

1. What position does your dog usually prefer, and where in the house does he or she like to sleep?

2. Does your dog have particular sensitivity to high or low temperatures?

3. How old is your dog? Does he or she have special needs?

4. Is your dog shaggy, and does he or she shed a lot as a result?

5. Do you think your dog will want to chew on the bed?

6. Is your dog a puppy? Or fully grown?

How you answer these questions should determine your key criteria for picking the perfect bed for your beloved pet.

Unique requirements and lifestyle

There are beds that have more padding, these are ideal for larger breeds, arthritic dogs and dogs that get a lot of exercise. If you live in a place that tends to be cold in the winter, and you own a short haired dog, you might consider a heated bed. On the other hand if you live in a warmer state and you own a Malamute or a Siberian Husky, a cooling bed might be great for the summer months. For shaggy dogs that tend to shed a lot you want the cushion of your bed to be upholstered with a smooth fabric, so that hair can be easily cleaned off.


Your pet will definitely prefer a comfortable bet, but you will probably be more worried about ease of maintenance. Make sure the cover of the bed is easy to clean, preferably something machine washable. If you have a dog that still likes to chew on things, you shouldn't get a very expensive bed just yet, as your dog may just wind up ruining it. Some dogs never quite outgrow chewing on stuff, should that be the case with your dog, get a chew resistant bed.


Different dogs have different sleeping preferences; you should take these into consideration when picking beds. Some dogs like to curl up, for such dogs, round beds, donut beds or even nesting beds may be best. If your dog likes to lay out, a rectangular bed, a bumper bed, a couch bed or even a cushioned mat might be ideal. Some dogs like to sleep with a pillow or a stuffed toy, for such dogs, you can add a pillow or a lounger couch with has a raised provision for the dog's head. There are also beds with raised sides or beds specially designed to fit into corners for dogs that prefer sleeping tucked into a corner.


You don't want a bed that is too big for your dog, as it will take up more space than it needs to, worse still would be getting a bed that is too small. As your dog will be uncomfortable and may choose not go to to use it at all. Measure your dog while he or she is asleep, this should be your guide. Manufacturers give you both an inside measure of the bed and an outside measure, the inside measure is what needs to be big enough for you dog.

For puppies, you definitely want to allow for growth, so buy a bed is a size or two bigger depending on how old your puppy is. Don't invest in an expensive bed for a puppy, as they may outgrow them, and they will also likely chew on the bed. Make sure you pick out a spot for the bed in your home before you actually start shopping around. If you've the budget, and you see that your dog likes sleeping in many different places in your house, you may even want to get many beds.